Play Therapy
Play is a natural part of a child’s daily development. Unlike adults, children’s brains are not fully developed, a necessary component for traditional talk therapy. Play is the language of children and how they communicate what is happening internally. It is a familiar and comfortable method of expression for children.
Like adults, children struggle with emotions and behaviors that can make life challenging for themselves and those around them. It is not uncommon for children to begin acting out, shutting down, or withdrawing when they have experienced something unfamiliar, scary, unexpected, or traumatic.
Play Therapists are trained to help identify the root cause of dysregulation and work with the child’s entire family system to help the child return to optimal level of functioning. The presence of a therapist specializing in the therapeutic use of play is needed to help support a child’s process of recovery through painful emotions. The use of metaphor and pretend in a child’s play with a trained professional can provide a sense of mastery over painful emotions and experiences, thereby diminishing negative behaviors and emotions and increasing a child’s emotional capacity and self-confidence.
Registered Play Therapists go through rigorous education and training which ensures your child or your children are getting the most informed and skilled interventions possible. Our Registered Play Therapist is skilled in Experiential Somatic Play Therapy which is a non-directive technique that allows the child to express themselves in a way that is familiar and comfortable for them.
Who is Play Therapy For?
Adjustment Disorders
Anger and Aggression
Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity, and Oppositional Disorders
Birth Trauma
Difficulty with Limits
Grief and Loss
Low Self-Esteem
Major Medical Illness/Surgeries
New Sibling Issues
Physical, Sexual and/or Emotional Abuse
Selective Mutism
If you feel like your child can benefit from Play Therapy please reach out to us today and we can help get your child back to an optimal level of functioning.